Frequently Asked Questions

Following are some frequently asked questions about Pharmacy Purchasing & Products (PP&P) magazine.

Q. How many times a year is PP&P published?
A. PP&P is published monthly. Our 12 issues include August's special "State of Pharmacy Automation" issue. We also publish an annual Resource Guide and a "Compounding & Cleanrooms" supplement.
Q. How is PP&P different from other publications for health-system pharmacists?
A. The differences abound! First and foremost, PP&P's content focuses on the products and services health-system pharmacists need to improve their practice. The information our readers find in our magazine can be instantly applied to their short- and long-term purchasing activities. Our content is written by in-the-field experts with hands-on knowledge and practice-based wisdom about today's most compelling pharmacy-related issues. Plus, it's presented in a concise and easy-to-read format. No other publication offers the depth and breadth of information on the products and services necessary to today's health-system pharmacy.
Q. Who reads PP&P? And how can I get a subscription?
A. Our readership comprises a host of pharmacy purchasing decision-makers, including:
  • More than 6,500 directors of pharmacy
  • More than 6,000 additional pharmacists
  • More than 1,750 purchasing and materials management directors
To join our readership of more than 15,000 health care professionals nationwide, click here for your free subscription!

Email all other subscription queries to Jae Park,
Q. Where should I send my company's press releases?
A. Email your press release, along with a high-resolution product image or corporate logo, to Jae Park at
Q. Where can I find an editorial calendar for PP&P?
Contact Amber Wozniak at
Q. Where can I send a comment about a recent editorial feature?
A. Contact our editor, Deanne Halvorsen, at, or our publisher, R. Mitchell Halvorsen, at
Q. Where can I find a media kit and/or more information on advertising with PP&P?
A. Contact Neil Slattery at or Laurie Evans at
Q. What are your materials specifications for print advertisements?
A. Contact Jae Park at

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