Publish with PP&P

Editorial point of contact:
Amber Wozniak, Senior Editor

Publishing Basics for PP&P

  1. Pharmacy Purchasing & Products is a peer-to-peer journal. We only accept articles written by practicing, hospital-based pharmacists.
  2. Unsolicited articles are not generally accepted; we much prefer to work with the contributor in developing the article content. Please reach out to our editors early in the writing process.
  3. Feature article word count is typically 1800-2800 words, depending on topic depth. Certain topics can be developed into a multi-part series.
  4. Articles should be written in a professional yet conversational tone as one might speak informally with colleagues.
  5. Consider sharing a process improvement project: Begin with relevant background information on the impetus for the improvement (ie, topic sentence). Establish your role in the process (eg, leader, decision maker, member, observer, etc).
    • Clearly describe catalyst for action and the steps taken.
    • Walk the reader through your experience describing the actions involved in remediating the initially identified problem/issue.
    • Conclude with tips, advice, resource suggestions, and any other information that could assist your peers and colleagues who may find themselves in similar circumstances.
  6. Include practical information and advice. Articles published in PP&P are intended to reflect actual experiences working in the pharmacy. As such, we do not expect heavily referenced pieces. Certainly, references and supporting data are key for any assertions, but our intent is that pharmacy directors learn from the experiences of their professional colleagues.
  7. Examples of tables, charts, and checklists are highly encouraged, as are high-quality photographs of relevant operations, instrumentation, and personnel. Consider including workflow charts and sample policies & procedures, job descriptions, templates, etc. [Any proprietary or sensitive material will be stripped, of course.]
Topics to consider:
  • New technology, automation, and IT implementations (eg, IV workflow, telepharmacy, CS management)
  • Processes for achieving regulatory compliance (eg, TJC, USP, HRSA)
  • New pharmacy service offerings (eg, diabetes clinic, COVID vaccine clinic)
  • Financial improvement efforts and ROI success stories
  • Quality management or improvement efforts

Current Issue