To date, just over four out of 10 facilities have utilized wipe analysis to detect HD residue within their facilities. However, that number is expected to expand significantly over the next year as pharmacy increasingly relies on this data to deliver an accurate picture of the extent of HD residue within the facility, from receiving and storage through compounding and dispensing. Furthermore, the sampling data can serve as an excellent measure of your staff’s compounding technique and cleaning practices.
Most wipe analysis continues to be conducted in the immediate vicinity of the compounding activities (eg, within the HD PEC, on the floor in front of the HD PEC, etc), which provides valuable feedback as to the effectiveness of the department’s cleaning and disinfecting efforts. It is also strongly recommended that wipe analysis efforts be expanded to HD receiving, storage, and patient care areas to allow for a full examination of potential risk contamination points.
Pharmacy evidences a strong commitment to expanding utilization of wipe analysis; almost three-quarters of facilities are planning to conduct wipe analysis to identify HD residue.
The timeline to adoption of wipe analysis is projected to be quite aggressive with most facilities planning to have wipe analysis in place within the year.
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