New & Noteworthy

September 2024

Impactor for Automated Microbial Air Sampling

Particle Measuring Systems

The BioCapt Single-Use AutoM Microbial Impactor from Particle Measuring Systems and Pharma Integration is designed to increase the reliability and repeatability of microbial air sampling readings in pharmaceutical environments. It is intended to reduce human interference in the monitoring process, or even eliminate it when used with robotics. The magnetic lid on the plate is designed to ensure secure sealing and safe manipulation, streamlining its integration into existing filling lines with and without robotics. The magnetic seal aims to eliminate penetration by vapor or gases while preventing liquid from entering the unit. Prepared and disposable, it can eliminate the need for agar plate preparation and autoclave sterilization. Its plug-and-play design allows for continuous monitoring for up to 4 hours, and its culture media is sterile and validated for up to 12 months, with flexible storage options.

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