Submit New & Noteworthy

New & Noteworthy Submission Guidelines

Pharmacy Purchasing & Products magazine invites you to submit any new or updated product or service information for the hospital and ambulatory pharmacy marketplace to our monthly feature "New & Noteworthy".

As with all editorial coverage in PP&P, such entries are free of charge.

This allows your company to reach thousands of potential clients through a highly respected source.

To be featured, please submit:

  1. A 100-word entry
  2. A digital image of the product, a product or service logo, or a generic company logo

Note: we can work with most image file types, as long as they are 1 MB (or higher).

All New & Noteworthy entries include Reader Service information so that our readers can request more information directly from you. Click on the following link for an example of New & Noteworthy:

Note that all submissions are subject to edits by PP&P's editorial staff, and trademark (™), service mark (℠), and registration marks (®) are removed per PP&P's editorial style.

For more information, please contact:
Ali McDowell
Associate Editor
Pharmacy Purchasing & Products

Current Issue