Omnicell announces the availability of its expanded Unity enterprise platform, which now includes a central pharmacy inventory management system as part of the 18.5 software release. This software release enables advanced interoperability between Omnicell medication dispensing systems and the Cerner Millennium electronic health record (EHR) via Cerner's CareAware iBus. This new central pharmacy solution will share the same database on the OmniCenter server as other Unity platform products, including the Omnicell fourth generation (G4) medication and supply dispensing cabinets, controlled substance management system, anesthesia workstation, and mobile medication workstations. The Omnicell 18.5 software also allows third-party EHR interoperability with Omnicell's medication dispensing system and enables remote ADC functionality within the Cerner EHR, allowing clinicians to issue, view availability, and waste medications directly from within the Cerner system.