As part of the BD HealthSight platform that is designed to support enterprise-wide medication management, the BD HealthSight Diversion Management Analytics application assists with opioid drug diversion investigations by creating an investigation workflow to monitor, triage, and assign potential diversion cases to specific investigators. Compared to statistically based analytical tools that examine opioid amounts dispensed to identify potential diversion, the BD system utilizes machine learning algorithms and multiple dispensing behaviors—such as overrides, canceled transactions, and delays in dispense, administration, or waste—to identify clinicians whose behavior indicates higher risk for diversion.
BD has partnered with Microsoft, which brings expertise in artificial intelligence and data science methodologies, to support development of these machine learning-based algorithms. Importantly, the application also aggregates EMR and dispensing cabinet data to automate what can be a time-consuming manual review process to reconcile and automatically flag anomalous dispense, administration, and waste transactions.